Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wacky Wednesday!

Mrs. Hamilton and Ms. Jones as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Mrs. Head joined us as a guest reader. She read Wacky Wednesday.

They look really "WACKY"
Can you find what Mrs. Head did for Wacky Wednesday?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our 3-2-1 about the assembly

Kaylee's 3-2-1 answers 
This was to get the students to reflect on the assembly

Our Assembly with CarynLin- check her out at

The electric violin has 5 strings. It also could have up to 7.

Shakira got to be a volunteer! She thought it was fun to have her voice recorded and repeated in a different tone.

This man composed minuet 1. Hannah and her sister have played it before.

You can use different pedals to make different sound effects.

Lily and her Pop were our guest readers for Crazy Sock Day

Monday, February 27, 2012

Celebrating Dr. Seuss with Miss Chelsey

She read Green Eggs and Ham. The students were asked to focus on the characters' facial expressions to determine their likes and dislikes. Take a good look at Andrew. What feeling do you think he was modeling?

We were getting our directions for the activity. She had us write foods that we liked and disliked that are green!
We then discussed opinions :)

Miss Chelsey working with Nyreese on her "like" green food.
Shakira and Siasha enjoying their "Green Eggs" that Miss Chelsey made as their treat. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fraction Fun with the help of VINCENT VAN GOGH

JaHyia is almost finished!

Our job was to write fractions to match pictures, then we had to use puzzle pieces to create our "starry night" pictures.

This was the original picture that we were trying to imitate.