Friday, September 30, 2011

Decorating our Writers Notebooks

Andrew said, "I loved sharing my stickers."
We wanted them to look more interesting.
We could use them for family.

Thanks to Hannah's mom for helping us decorate by bringing in items!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Learning about disabilities from our neighbor Mr. Pelly

Mr. Pelly taught us about his students' differences. 

Mr. Pelly wanted to tell us his students are different because they don't like the noises we usually don't hear.

He came to tell us about autism.
Sometimes Mr. Pelly's students cook different foods.

Mr. Pelly taught us that autism is a disability that you can't see.
Sometimes at recess his students might enjoy watching leaves fall from the air.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Long O Carousel Today

We wrote an "ow" word.- show

We wrote words with "oa" spellings- boat

We wrote words with o at the end of the syllables.- so

We wrote words with "old"- gold

we wrote o consonant e- cone

Friday, September 2, 2011

Our first week of school

The things we learned:
Matthew- Never make fun of people.
Siosi- Be nice to each other!
Ayden- I learned to respect others.
Gianna- You need to include everyone when playing a game.
J. Henry- We have to read 20 minutes each night,
JaHyia- I need to listen when others are talking in class.
Tyrone- When someone is being bullied, be their friend. 
Kylie- Follow directions the first time!!!